Cool Guy Pope Francis Is Gay Friendly, “Won’t Judge” Gay Priests

The recently anointed Pope FrancisArgentinian youngster with striking George Bluth vibes—has made an historic announcement in an 80 minute press conference on his way back from World Youth Day celebrations in Rio, Brazil, boldly announcing that “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”

 ¯_(- -)_/¯

Oh indeed, Sir Papal Highness (correct term). Indeed.

Before all but flapping a rainbow flag and screeching YOLO to the heavens, Pope Francis slightly crushed what seemed to be a relatively empowering tirade that prioritised equality. When asked about his thoughts on the place of women in the Catholic Church, Pope Francis said he had “definitively closed the door” on women priests—echoing the general patriarchy of the Catholic Church: “lol women, amirite?”

The 76 year old tried to play it down and warm the crowd after he was asked what it’s like to be Pope; he responded that that most frustrating thing was getting sciatica, after sitting in uncomfortable positions for extended periods of time on the Iron Throne. Oh stahp, making light of your Old Dude Syndrome and making journos laugh, you.

In his no-questions-barred press conference, Fairfax reports that Pope Francis also used the term “gay” instead of “homosexual” when making his historic statement. His views are a small victory that potentially signals a shift in the classically concrete views of the Catholic Church; nonetheless, considering that Pope Francis is the predecessor of Benedict XVI—who vehemently expressed the exact opposite opinions on gay priests’ place in the church—it’s a significant, bold move that could create a positive change of face in the Catholic Church.

Keep doing what you’re doing, Pope.

Via SMH.