A Brisbane Bridge Has Claimed Two Trucks In A Week, Seemingly Sparking A Feud With Montague St

corinda brisbane monstague st bridge truck crash

If you’re a regular around these parts you’ll know that the Montague St Bridge is a long-held beat that we report on whenever a truck dares go toe-to-toe with the South Melbourne monster. But this week has kicked off with something truly special: not only has a truck wedged itself under Monty but another bridge has entered the arena. May we introduce you to the Corinda bridge in Brisbane, which has claimed two (2) trucks in one (1) week.

The rail bridge on Oxley Rd crunched a semi-trailer on Monday morning, degloving the truck and exposing its pallet-y innards. It was a ruthless scene and alarming to know this is the second truck in the last seven days to do battle with the jaws of Corinda’s finest.


While the Corinda bridge is a 3.6m clearance — a whole 60cm higher than Monty — that hasn’t stopped it from ruthlessly devouring dumbass truck drivers who don’t know their own caboose’s enormity.

This isn’t even the first time the Corinda bridge has monched down on a semi trying to slip beneath its jaws, either. The unrelenting bastard went full Gandalf on a truck in April last year, causing a hell of a mess that had the road shut for a considerable time.

So what does our beloved Monty the Montague St Bridge, the long-running champion of box truck banishing think of all of this? Well, apparently he was quick to retaliate and add yet another foolish victim to his tally.

This cement truck was truly no match for Monty and his 3m clearance limit. I mean, how do you fuck this one up so hard? Did they not see the last time a cement mixer attempted to dance with the original devil?

While this new northern city mongrel has nothing on our beloved Montague St behemoth, we’ll certainly be keeping an eye on this Brisbane bridge for any future lorry fatalities.