Bowie’s Family Says Thanks For The Love-Fest, Announce Private Farewell

As the world continues to cry a flood of salty tears over the loss of the inimitable Starman with street parties and candlelit vigils, David Bowie‘s nearest and dearest are planning a quiet goodbye.
A statement by his family has been posted to the official Bowie Facebook page – the same one that announced his passing on Monday, aged 69 – thanking fans for their <3 and asking for privacy while they celebrate his life behind closed doors.

“We are overwhelmed by and grateful for the love and support shown throughout the world,” it read.

The statement also noted that any memorials or tribute concerts would be welcome, though none were officially endorsed.

“Just as each and every one of us found something unique in David’s music, we welcome everyone’s celebration of his life as they see fit.”
There are multiple reports Bowie has already been cremated in New York without family or friends present, in respect of his wishes to “go without any fuss”.

Here’s the full statement: 

THANK YOUThe family of David Bowie is currently making arrangements for a private ceremony celebrating the memory of…

Posted by David Bowie on Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oh, and that photo? The last of Bowie ever taken.
Photo: Getty / Pacific Press.