‘Bon Appetit’ Stars Are Refusing To Film Videos Until Their BIPOC Colleagues Are Fairly Paid

Bon Appetit stars are refusing to appear in videos until their BIPOC colleagues are also fairly compensated. It comes amid widespread accusations of racism that saw editor-in-chief Adam Rapoport resign this morning.

Molly Baz, Carla Lalli Music, Andy BaraghaniClaire SaffitzAlex Delany and Brad Leone have all refused to participate in any new filming until the pay dispute is resolved, while some are demanding videos in which they appear not be aired.

bon appetit test kitchen
(Image: Instagram/@mollybaz/@andybaraghani)
bon appetit test kitchen
(Image: Instagram/@csaffitx/@brad_leone)
bon appetit test kitchen
(Image: Instagram/@lallimusic/@alex_delany)

It all kicked off when Sohla El-Waylly, who has been working with Bon Appetit as an assistant editor and has appeared in the Test Kitchen video series since 2019, made the allegations about unequal pay while also calling for Rapoport’s resignation.

She alleged that white editors were paid for their appearances in videos, while people of colour were not. She also said that she was on a contract of $50k [$71kAUD] for her work, and has not been paid extra for any of her video appearances.

bon appetit test kitchen

Former Bon Appetit staff members Hawa Hassan and Alex Lau have also spoken out about their experiences with the title, with Hawa saying she was paid $400 per video she appeared in before she left in October 2019, and Alex talking about the erasure of the contributions of people of colour from behind the scenes of Bon Appetit.



As per Variety, Condé Nast – who publishes Bon Appétit – has denied allegations of unequal pay between its white and BIPOC staff, and has since made a statement on Twitter about how it pays its staff across the entire company.