Apple Will Publish Your Great Novel Of Our Time

Are you the next Great Novelist Of Our Times, but the only thing harboring your literary genius from the world is the all important – but utterly elusive – publishing deal? Screw those tasteless fools at Penguin, forget about Randomhouse’s pretentious receptionist, and stop wasting time on your lame blog and egging the HarpersCollins building because their rejection letter “hurt your feelings”.

Now, all you need is an iTunes Store account and an Intel-based Mac running on OS X 10.5 or later and you can self-publish your works through iBookstore – you can even decide on the sales price. Victory is yours.

Now can you please stop fucking whining about how ignorant publishers keep suppressing a generation of readers from your prosey insight into the complexities of relationships in urban living that makes ‘The Secret Life Of Us’ look like a Little Golden Book?

Via Paste Magazine

Title Image- Still of Nicolas Cage in “Adaptation”

Penguin, HarpersCollins and Randomhouse – just kidding. I’ll take your calls.