An Australian-Made HIV-Killing Condom Could Soon Be On The Market, In Your Pants

Your horizontal mambo activity can soon be done with a little more peace of mind. With the recent rise of “dating” apps like Tinder, it’s little surprise that rates of STDs are also on the climb. Recent data found that the rate of HIV in Australia, for example, is currently at 20 year highs. So it’s not a moment too soon that an Australian company has developed a new antiviral gel that will help the humble condom further strengthen its position a great preventer of the spread of infection.

‘Strayan biotech firm Starpharma has developed an antiviral compound known as VivaGel that has been shown in lab tests to inactivate 99.9% of HIV, Herpes, and other sexually transmitted viruses. The company has partnered with the dominant dinger slinger Ansell to produce a new range of condoms that incorporate the compound into lubrication.
These fancy frangers have just passed the final hurdle before going on sale to the public, having gained the Conformity Assessment Certification from the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This means that the product should be launched within months, and made available to the public.

Naturally, condoms aren’t 100% effective in the prevention of STI’s, and neither is the new lubricant. However, like a group of rampantly horny Planeteers shoving their rings together, by their powers combined we get a Captain Planet of boning that will be effective in preventing the transmission of infection more often than not.

So be safe, tarp up, and swipe right to your loin’s content, kids.

Photo: Brendan Smialowski via Getty Images.