Will-i-am releases new Sydney inspired Van She Tech Collaboration, #ruReady

Sure, will-i-am remains intent on butchering the English language with the ridiculously titled #ruReady, but how does his Intel sponsored Van She Tech and Timomatic collaborative ode to Sydney stack up?

Lets cut to the chase, will-i-am is an easy target for grammar nazis and snobbish pop culture enthusiast alike, but lets for a moment blame The Black Eyed Peas’ post Bridging the Gap career on Fergie, ignore that he’s basically responsible for LMAFO, and forget that his Yeezy inspired Daft Punk sampling I Got it From My Mama” nearly happened and enter this with a clear mind.

In Sydney for Vivid 2012 as part of Intel’s Ultrabook Project, will-i-am swanned around town mixing it up with Sydney’s creative elite, worked with local indigenous children and elders, accidentally kicked a cameraman in the stones, and banged out a track with Van She Tech and Timomatic. And the circa-2005 dirty-electro club friendly effort ain’t half bad. 

To watch a Sydney-frothing mini-doco and score a free download of the single, click here.