The Rapture Bring 200% More Cowbell To NYFW

Cowbell makes everything better. Christopher Walken knows it, James Murphy knows it and strangely even my Mum knows it. It’s one of the few facts I know to be true.

Bring some cowbells to a house party and see how many more friends you make with a cowbell in your hands. If your pasta is bland sprinkle some cowbell over that sucker and it’ll taste like the cocaine-bacon God grows in his backyard. It’s true, cowbell solves everything. The Beatles would be way more popular than they already are if Ringo had a better appreciation of the greatest instrument ever invented.

The Rapture on the other hand, know this all too well. As the greatest modern exponents of cowbell, the NYC four-piece have built a career on this fact. And as part of New York Fashion Week’s Fashion Night Out the recently re-jigged dance punks took us all the way back to 2003 by performing “House Of Jealous Lovers” in the Prada Store in SoHo. You know the prescription!