Pocahaunted Calls It Quits

A person who used to frequent the Pedestrian office references California lo-fi psych outfit Pocahaunted with the kind of enthusiasm usually reserved for youtube videos that involve animals and stacking it. Jesse will be very upset to discover that his favourite band – comprising Amanda Brown and Best Coast’s Bethany Cosentino – have officially wrapped things up, as per a message posted by founding member Amanda Brown on the group’s MySpace profile:

Oh man it’s been four years since Bethany and I started Pocahaunted. I feel like over those years the members and the music changed every four minutes. And still there you were listening. I’m so grateful for all the couches crashed on, all the shows set up, all the records ordered, all the kind words said. When the Jonas Brothers claim they couldn’t do it without their fans we all roll our eyes, but we shouldn’t. It’s been a long time since I played a show for myself or drove through South Carolina on a personal whim. I do it because yr there, and some of you have even been there since I was just sitting cross legged with an out of tune guitar and a mic duct-taped to a keyboard stand. Part of me still has a real feeling of innocence about this band – and part of me feels the wisdom that comes with four years of crazy creation. It’s just that time to shimmy on.

Shimmy on.