Nick Cave Reignites Push For Rowland S. Howard Memorial Laneway

Over a year ago there was a push for an unnamed St. Kilda lane-way to be named after iconic Australian post-punk guitarist Rowland S. Howard as a way of honouring the gifted musician who died of liver cancer in 2009. No.1 fan of Twitter Nick Cave has now reignited that call to action, having reportedly written to the Port Phillip City Council last week urging the municipality to make the memorial gesture a reality.

A report in today’s Age publishes an extract of the letter Cave wrote the council, which reads as follows:

Rowland and I were friends, bandmates, collaborators and fellow conspirators in the St Kilda music scene in the late ’70s and early ’80s. His artistic legacy endures, and I hope that you can honour him with the cultural recognition he richly deserves.

Cave has reportedly been in touch with Howard’s estate to gauge their support, along with thousands of avid local and international music fans, for many of whom the word of Cave is akin to the word of an interventionist God.

In 2004 a precedent was set when Melbourne City Council voted unanimously in favour of renaming the CBD’s Corporation Lane ‘AC/DC Lane.’ Cave’s proposed tribute is befitting of Howard’s legacy both geographically (Howard lived in the area for many years) and musically (he played his last gig at The Prince just down the road from the proposed site). In other words, it just makes sense.

If this is something you feel strongly about, make like Cave or a proud citizen of a democracy and get in touch with your local representative here or on Twitter.
via The Age