New Lily Allen Video – “22”

In her new single “22”, Lily Allen attempts to distill the spirit of the entire Sex And The City series into one song. The clip follows an almost-thirty version of Allen looking through the mirror at her 22 year old self and offering a cautionary tale of hard partying single women fast encroaching middle age with nary a Prince Charming in sight.

Sexist double standards, fading youth and independence all get a mention but the true wisdom here is the answer to the age old mystery – what do women get up to in the toilet? Here I was thinking they reapplied make-up and talked about their boyfriends but it’s really existential crisis and conversations with your future self. Ahhh now it all makes sense.

“22” is taken from Lily Allen’s new album ‘It’s Not Me, It’s You’.

Via Stereogum