Republicans Try To Pander To ‘Murican Youths With GIF-laden Press Release On Immigration

Capturing the youth vote in any democracy is notoriously fickle, especially in a country like ‘Murica where voting is absolutely optional, despite Obama‘s recent hints at adopting the Australian way.

Republicans in America are also a curious breed, as you’re well aware; their marketing tactics, however, have gone off the charts this week as an out of touch septuagenarian intern must have been set loose to draft a press release on Immigration in the United States.

It’s unfair, really. We get ‘Stop The Boats’ rhetoric churned out to us on the daily, a little bit of House of Reps playground bullying if we’re lucky, but nothing like the press release from the Republicans this week, inexplicably laden with GIFs and set out in a list à la Buzzfeed.

In a release aimed to critque Barack Obama’s policy on Immigration in the States, the House Judiciary Committee used GIFs of celebrities as their weapons of choice to explain and debunk Obama’s Immigration stance.

It starts, and I kid you not:

“1. Right now, one single person —the President of the United States—can turn off the enforcement of our immigration laws unilaterally. For real.”

*cue terrible ‘ahhhcsuse me’ GIF*

You can read the whole thing over here, if you must. The most frustrating thing about it is that they could have done this well. But they blew it with a heinous collection of C grade reaction GIFs that won’t sell a thing.

An advocacy group in the US responded to the release by genuinely asking, “Has the House of Judiciary lost its mind?”


via The Guardian.