US Congressman Mark Takano Uses Kendrick Lamar Lyric To Reprimand Republicans

Mark Takano, the first non-white, openly gay congressman in the United States, is now also officially the coolest guy ever after invoking a Kendrick Lamar-inspired plea to stop the blocking of senate confirmations. 

Not only does Takano know and appreciate who Kendrick Lamar is, he also has a tumblr account where he regularly posts memes (and gifs) of himself, corrected a Republican letter in red pen by giving it an ‘F’, debunked immigration reforms through an emoji explanation while inventing the word ‘tumblarian’ to add to his impressive online oeuvre: 

Last time I checked, Kevin Rudd had only just figured out what instagram is, and Tony Abbott used Twitter pretty much as his exclusive bike-riding promotional platform. The idea of Australian politicians cracking the tumblr-sphere is, at this point, a far-fetched fantasy; they’ve got a lot of catching up to do. 

Takano’s tumblr post states, casually confirming Kendrick is a regular office favourite, no big:  “The blocking of Senate confirmations has gotten out of hand.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid may be forced to call votes today in an attempt to change the Senate rules and end the gridlock. Let’s hope Senator Mitch McConnell does the right thing. —- Good Kid M.A.A.D City; a favorite among my staff.’ 

Accompanying the post is this. Takano, ya bish, you’re doing politics right:

Via Bullett.