Meet the Scientist who was Kicked Out of a Concert for Crowdsurfing to Handel

In a thoroughly impolite dust-up, a leading American research scientist and Stanford professor was kicked out of a classical music venue in England this weekend for attempting to crowdsurf during a performance of Handel‘s Messiah.

The incident happened during the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’. Audience members at The Old Vic in Bristol were invited to approach the stage to clap and cheer, when Dr David Glowacki decided to take things a little too far.
Sources say that the professor quickly became “overexcited” at the music, swaying from side to side and waving his hands in the air before attempting to crowdsurf. The other audience members were having none of it, and Glowacki was quickly ejected. Boo.

When speaking later about the incident, the professor accused the classical music world of being “stuffy”, and insisted that he was drunk only on the power of baroque music. 

“This may be a consequence of me being American, but I can quite easily be provocative without the need to be inebriated,” he explained.

Glowacki seems to be a scientist of the devil-may-care variety, and thankfully, is quite easily stalkable on Facebook. Here he is rocking a wicked beard of bees:

And here he is blowing some smoke rings like Gandalf:

We think Dr David Glowacki is a pretty cool guy who crowdsurfs at concerts and doesn’t afraid of anything.
via Gawker
Images via Facebook