Kristen Wiig and Harry Styles Did Some Intense ‘Dirty Dancing’

It’s been said many times that Saturday Night Live‘s after parties are more fun than the show itself. Case in point: this weekend’s throw-down, which saw Kristen Wiig and Harry Styles recreating some choice moves from Dirty Dancing
Wiig returned to the show for a guest appearance, while Styles’ band One Direction – whose devil-may-care grooming situation is rapidly getting out of hand – plied some of their tween-friendly pop. Then afterwards, this happened:

SNLol @harrystyles #kristenwiig #coolpals

A photo posted by WASEEM (@was_vegas) on

Mr. & Mrs. Claus @harrystyles #kristenwiig

A video posted by Gavin Doyle (@savethesociety) on

Nobody has confirmed whether or not Styles performed the famous lifting move, but regardless, this looks like a whole lot of fun. Celebrities: still having a much more interesting time at parties than any of us regular, garbage people. 
Since we’re all here anyway, let’s remember the time Kristen Wiig did that bizarre Harry Styles impression on Fallon.
via Vulture
Image via YouTube