Don’t Throw Wallets At Kid Cudi

As far as completely unnecessary goes Kid Cudi punching a fan in the face for throwing a wallet onstage rates about a 23. One being completely understandable and ten being “I’m gonna have to plead temporary insanity” in court. Naturally someone was there to record the action (sans sound) and the rest of the world can now debate how truly douchey Cudi is…again and again and again.

To Exhibit A! OK so it’s a bit hard to gauge the mood of the gig considering there’s no sound but the flying wallet, actually that sounds too harsh…the wallet lob, yes that’s much better, seems pretty damn innocuous. I mean who throws a wallet, honestly? Cudi should be grateful his fans throw money receptacles at him…possibly with hundred dollar bills inside! He should be doling out high fives not fisticuffs. Plus does it actually hit him? Graze his shoe perhaps…but nothing that would warrant a second glance much less a punch in the face. Are we missing something? Is this the old flaming bag of dog shit trick re-imagined as the dog shit in a wallet lob? Probably not.

Anyway to add insult to douche baggery concert goers report that Cudi actually socked the wrong dude. Tough day at the office my man.