DJ Smoking Joe Mekhael Will Break Guinness World Record Tonight

If you don’t know who DJ Smoking Joe Mekhael is, you will by tonight.

The Australian DJ is currently taking up residency at Sydney’s Empire Hotel where he has been DJing straight for the last 109 hours in an attempt to break the Guiness World Record for the longest ever set. The current record sits at 5 days and 19 minutes, so if you do the math, Smoking Joe will enter the history books in less than 12 hours. You can watch the livestream below.

He has promised to go for seven days, and we seriously don’t doubt it. Here are the rules he has to follow:

– There must be no pauses longer than ten seconds between tunes; music must
be continuous.

– No individual disc, and no piece of music, may be repeated in performance within four hours. A list of all the tunes played must be maintained and submitted as evidence.

– The event should take place on stage in a club or similar venue, open to
members of the public, and not in a recording studio.

– For each hour of the performance, 5 minutes rest time is earned and this time can accumulate.

Good luck Joe. You’re a bigger man than we are. If you’re in Sydney’s CBD, go down and bring the guy some fruit or ecstasy or something.