Who The Hell Is Demi Lovato Coming For In This Extremely Shady Tweet?

How many words does it take for Demi Lovato to completely destroy one of her enemies? Just five, apparently, as she proved overnight when she opened up Twitter and sent this extremely shady missive to some anonymous person who has apparently wronged her:

“Good luck on your blog.” So succinct, so shady, such a brilliant kiss-off. To be honest, I kind of want to get into a feud with Demi Lovato now, just so she can drag me like that. The real question is, though, just who the hell was she talking about?

Fans are currently speculating about the target of this assassination attempt, as over the years, the singer has had drama of some kind with everyone from Selana Gomez to Taylor Swift to her friend Melissa Callahan, who was the target of this equally pointed-yet-vague Tweet:

So far, the internet’s prime suspect is Mike Bayer, the Dr. Phil contributor who served as Demi’s sober coach until fairly recently, and appeared in her documentary Simply Complicated, in which she talked about her struggles with addiction.

The timeline of recent events definitely supports this theory. Last month, Lovato released a surprise song, ‘Sober‘, in which she sang about an apparent relapse. On Thursday, Bayer posted a video on social media, in which he had some fairly pointed words for an unnamed “artist”, saying:

“I’m here today to explain to you that being an artist and being talented are two different things. To me being an artist is living your authentic life … I think if somebody uses it as an excuse to be late, or insincere, or rude, or unapologetic, that’s not being an artist, that’s being a jerk.”

Demi Lovato fans then did a bit of Nancy Drew-ing – or as I prefer to call it, Janet Jackson-ing – and came up with a Tweet from June, in which the singer says the biggest thing she’s learned this year is “you can’t always trust people who you once thought saved you.”

That would fairly conclusively point to this drama being with Mike Bayer, and indeed, Lovato fans have begun flocking to his Instagram to tell him “good luck on your blog” (I don’t endorse or recommend doing this, by the way, I’m just pointing it out).

That would appear to be case closed, then. The moral of the story? Don’t fuck with Demi Lovato.