Bat For Lashes – “Sleep Alone”

We doubt Natasha Khan has any difficulty in attracting nighttime companions so we’ll assume the loneliness she battles in “Sleep Alone” represents some kind of existential crisis instead of any coital dry spell.

It’s a tad presumptuous on our part, but considering the duel personae of her sophomore LP, the Mercury Prize Shortlisted Two Suns, ambiguity is Khan’s weapon of choice. Likewise her third single “Sleep Alone” mirrors the dreamlike lucidity of her previous videos for “Daniel” and “Pearl’s Dream” while revealing the many faces of Bat For Lashes. We’re first introduced to Khan the restless insomniac, then Khan the obsessive compulsive hoarder, Khan the mad scientist and Khan the kleptomaniac. They’re all adorable of course – as is the Hussein Chalayan channeling night light she concocts in the clip’s finale. Oh bless her inventive ‘lil cotton socks.