‘All Star’ Sung To The ‘Seinfeld’ Theme Will 100% Give You A Nosebleed

In the early 2000s, when meme culture was new, there were very few memes. A man could go six months on the internet and see only a single meme, and in all likelihood, it was All Your Base.
Skip a decade into the future and there are a greater variety and number of memes, but every single one of them was some horrible image macro about a penguin being an awkward dumbass.
The memes we have today, though – people never dreamed of such memes. Memes of the most wonderful varieties and sorts. Try explaining to your nan what a meme is and how doing weird remixes of the film ‘Bee Movie‘ is one, I dare you.
For reasons that are completely unclear to me, weird trash culture like ‘Shrek‘, Smash Mouth, Guy Fieri and ‘Seinfeld‘ (not trash culture, but I think the theme song counts) is wildly popular meme fodder on the internet and now, I think, it has truly reached its apex.
Benny Davis from Australia‘s own Axis of Awesome managed to somehow wrangle the vocals from Smash Mouth’s ‘All Star‘ over the top of the ‘Seinfeld‘ theme – and he didn’t just beat-match them like a lazy person, they are timed and pitch corrected in a way that will probably make you shit your heart out through your nose.
Also, it’s accompanied solely by pictures of Guy Fieri, because why not:

Source: Twitter.