13 Yrs After Nipplegate, Is JT Set To Return To The Super Bowl Half-Time?

If you want to know how long it takes for a national sporting league to forgive you for embarrassing it by pulling a woman’s boob out in front of millions and millions of people during its preeminent event, it’s 13 years. 13 years is how long that takes.

Sexy-bringer-backer Justin Timberlake is firming up as the favourite to take the esteemed half-time performance slot at next year’s Super Bowl, 13 years after his last stint, which gifted the world the phrases ‘wardrobe malfunction’ and ‘nipple-gate’.

US Weekly reports, via the ever popular and ~always~ reliable “inside source”, that JT is “finalising” his deal with the NFL to perform in the event next February, which is a pretty big deal considering his past experience with the event.

In case you weren’t a sentient human being back when Timberlake first performed, the 2004 Super Bowl absolutely went down in the history books, with the fallout literally changing the entire country’s television laws with the FCC introducing a 5-second delay for all live events.

All because JT (consensually) pulled out a lady’s nip:

Interesting how Justin Timberlake, a man, and the active participant who released said tittie, has seen his career flourish to the point where he’s being invited back to the Super Bowl, whereas Janet Jackson, a woman, had her career jettisoned into the fucking sun as a direct result.


We’ll let ya’ll know the second the news is confirmed, but with JT’s fifth album looking to be released around that time and the patriarchy being what it is, we reckon it’s a pretty solid lock.