Keep Up Your Questionable Lifestyle & Save For A Home With These Handy Tips

win a house deposit from porter davis

Saving up to buy a first home as a young person suuuuucks. Really sucks. Like, if you don’t have loaded Baby Boomer parents to give you a hand, prepare to cry into the Mi Goreng noodle packets that are actually, and sadly, far more prominent in our diets than avo toast.

Luckily, purveyors of fine homes and a Smart Living range who actually understands the needs of first home buyers, Porter Davis – aka The Rich Parents You Never Had – want to give away a $170,000 deposit towards your first home.

Just in case you’re not the lucky winner of this generous inheritance, you might want to make a few small adjustments to your finances so you can still have your avo toast and eat it inside your own home, too.

The Grocery Store Is A Battle Ground, Arrive Prepared

Ok, Mi Goreng every day is really not sustainable, trust me, I’ve tried. But you can do things like only shopping from a prepared list so you’re not grabbing unnecessary items and choosing Name-Brand sometimes instead of that celebrity endorsed, super prettily packaged stuff. Buying in bulk for staple items can save you money in the long run too.

Your Oven Is Not For Storage

If you love cooking, you’re probably already doing this. But if, like me, the kitchen has an uncanny way of catching fire as soon as you step into it, or even if you’re just a little time-poor and you keep getting stuck with take-out being your only option, then embrace the meal prep and cook in bulk once or twice a week. Freeze and reheat. Done.

Bills Are The Worst, Stop Paying So Much

Switch to those LED lights, turn off all the switches when you leave the room and literally slap your housemates when they keep forgetting to do the same. More blankets less heating; that kind of thing. This is all good practice for when you DO own your own home btw, because those damn bills don’t go away. Yet another reason to win that house deposit money from Porter Davis and let your rich not-actual-parents let you use your deposit savings on bills.

                                   All of us after bills.

Bring The Party To Your Place

With your awesome new cooking skills, make your friends come to you. Even better, make it pot luck and BYO and guaranteed you will finish the night with a solid haul of alcohol and tasty food you didn’t even have to pay for. If they forget it, it’s free game guys.

Pop Some Tags, You’ve Only Got $20 In Your Pocket

We live in the age of the hipster. Second-hand shopping has never been cooler, so take advantage! Furniture, technology, bomb outfits, books: you can be fabulous for a fraction of the cost. While you’re at it, sell of or swap anything you don’t want anymore.

Or, ya know, just cast some funky voodoo to help you win the Porter Davis prize.