Scientists Say Swearing Makes You Stronger So Fuck Off & Squat, Idiot

Well fuck me, would you cop a hot load of this shit hot science.
While it’ll come as no surprise to the blasphemous bastards among us, according to new research, swearing makes you stronger.
It’s fucken nuts, but psychologists at Keele University over in the UK held a series of experiments in which one group of participants rode as hard as they could on an exercise bike for 30 seconds while spitting out cuss words, and the other nerds let out neutral words.
The results?
The potty-mouthed participants’ peak power rose by 24 watts on average.
The researchers also got the folks to perform a single hand-grip test. Those who cursed extensively throughout that test upped their strength by the equivalent of a big bloody 2.1kg.
“In the short period of time we looked at there are benefits from swearing,” said Richard Stephens, a psychologist at the uni.
“We asked them to repeat the word throughout each test,” Stephens said. “They don’t scream and shout it. They repeat it in an even tone.”

like so 🙂
Interestingly, the participants’ heart rates didn’t rise when they swore, which suggests that the obscenities didn’t trigger their fight-or-flight responses. It builds on 2009 research by the same psychologist that swearing can actually lessen pain.
“Quite why it is that swearing has these effects on strength and pain tolerance remains to be discovered,” Stephens said.?
“We’re not telling people something they don’t already know, but we’re verifying that in a systematic and objective way,” he added. “I think people instinctively reach for swearwords when they hurt themselves and when they’re looking for an extra boost in performance.”

Fucken swoit.

Source: The Guardian.
Photo: Crazy Stupid Love.