Men Will Eat More In Front Of Women ‘Cause They Want Sex, Says Study

Does a guy that can put away enough food to feed five families in a third-world country impress or disgust you?
According to a new research paper published in Evolutionary Psychological Science, the natch evolutionary response should be impressed.
The study found that men will double down on food when they’re on a date than when they’re in the company of other guys, because it shows their “biological fitness” as a sexual m8.
At an all-you-can-eat Italian buffet with a lady friend, men ate “92% more pizza compared with those who ate exclusively with men” and “86% more salad”, the study reveals.
Lead author Kevin Kniffin, says that men have been conditioned to show off and there’s proof that this behaviour does get a positive response from women. 
He explained:
“Engaging in risky or unhealthy behaviour, the thinking goes, demonstrates an extraordinary ability to tolerate challenges, even self-inflicted ones”.
Ironically, the study also highlights that “overeating consistently produces a body that research shoes tends to be viewed as unattractive”. 

UGH. You can’t win. Stop playing.
Women in the study also reported feeling rushed during the meal and subsequently, felt like they overate despite there being no evidence to support this. There are currently no studies on the evolutionary appeal of women who overeat, we can only assume it doesn’t swing both ways, which has us like .
But, we digress:
*fart noise*