Here’s How You Could Win $$$ & A Mentorship For Having An Idea That Could Change The World

dont look up

Between the pandemic, climate disasters and the economy continually throwing us curveballs, we’ve all been through a lot in the last few years.

While it can all feel a bit exhausting, there is a bunch to be hopeful for — and it’s all because of you, yes you!

There’s no denying young people have truly stepped up to the plate in these dark times, and if you’re a good egg who has got big plans for a brighter future, we’ve got some exciting news.

The 3M Inspire Challenge is launching in Australia in July. It’s a competition open to all undergraduate students that focuses on helping to solve the world’s biggest problems like climate change, pandemic-created tech struggles, and social inequity.

3M, the creators of Post-it Notes and Scotch Tape, is a science and innovation company, and semi-finalists of the comp will receive mentorship in the finals and help solve some of the world’s most pressing issues.

If this sounds right up your alley, you can enter right here. You’ll need to propose an idea around one of the following themes — Sustainable Materials, The New Paradigm (A Pandemic Aware World), and Equity (Through Science and Technology).

Entries open on July 15th, and there’s a chance to win up to $7,000USD in prize money and internships at 3M as well. Contenders from around the globe will be picked to participate in the program, and you’ll need to apply as a team of two to four, so start rallying together with some like-minded mates.

Previously, the competition was held across Southeast Asian countries, with National University of Malaysia undergraduate students Mohd Fahad Saleem and Nur Liyana Syasya Mohd Zamuri being crowned the regional winners for their smart bandage capable of monitoring the progress of a wound. Both students went on to clinch the total of USD$3,000 in cash prizes and internships at local 3M offices.

Good luck — and think about how you plan to make the future a little easier for humanity.