‘Black Panther’ Star Winston Duke Wants You To Know He Loves ‘Golden Girls’

Winston Duke Black Panther Golden Girls Obsessed

I saw Black Panther two weeks ago and my newfound (yet undying) love for newcomer Winston Duke, who plays M’Baku, hasn’t wavered one bit. He is as delightful IRL as he is in the movie, and I’ve been reading every interview with him because I’m NOT a weird stalker at all.

Today I read something that blew my tiny mind and immediately made me panic that I am an unwilling participant in a Truman Show-like experiment where the producers throw things in just to fuck with me. It seems that my favourite Hollywood snack is completely obsessed with – wait for it – The Golden Girls.

I mean, it’s understandable because it is the greatest sitcom of all time (okay fiiine, second behind Seinfeld). It is classic 80s TV. People enjoy it. But it’s like, a niche interest for a 30-something person like Winston and myself. I am interested in it, but most of my friends are not. Maybe Winston has the same situation with his mates? Maybe we should be friends? I don’t know, but just LOOK at how much this guy publicly froths Dorothy, Blanche, Sophia and Rose.

First, he name-dropped them in a Tumblr Q&A when someone asked him what he’d do if he wasn’t an actor. His answer was “I’ve always had this dream that if people could pay me to watch and review old episodes of The Golden Girls, that would be something really special.”



Then, during a Deadline podcast, Winston was asked if there was a TV show that people would be surprised to find out that he loved.

Easy: The Golden Girls. I binge watch the Golden Girls constantly – it doesn’t get old! It’s so quick, rapid-fire. It is smart. I love Blanche (Rue McClanahan). Blanche is just like this debutante, she’s just out of touch with reality, while being deeply in touch with reality, which is why she performs herself like that.

Good choice, Winston.

But any GGs fan know it’s a tough decision to make.

I love Rose (Betty White). She steals the show. But then Sophia (Estelle Getty) is everything to me. I love them all, they all have everything. Bea Arthur is just shadezilla. I love Dorothy, I just can’t deal.

There you have it: Marvel’s latest breakout star is a card-carrying Golden Girls obsessive and he isn’t ashamed to admit it.

Someone please tell Betty White – she loves herself a Marvel boi.