UPDATE: Facebook Birthday Invite: 133,979 Attending So Far

133,979 people (with 13,084 Maybe Attending and 380,509 Awaiting Reply) have clicked “attending” on a Facebook page created for a 16th Birthday party in Sydney on March 26th.

Straight off the bat, I’m going to say this looks suspiciously like the work of viral prankster David Thorne who, among other great hoax’s like Missy Missing and the Spider Transaction, was the mastermind behind Kate’s Birthday Party – the original Facebook party scam.

The attendee figures are rising by roughly a thousand people every 5 minutes. If the extrapolation continues in this fashion Jess Cooper will makes Kate’s party seem like a Sunday afternoon Box Social.

Facebook is yet to pull the event, but suffice to say, if this isn’t the work of Thorne, Jess Cooper will be in a gigantic amount of shite from her parents.