Jimmy Straight-Up Revealed Who His Fave Is On Bachie Last Night & I Think I’ve Figured Out Why

The Bachelor Australia / Jimmy Nicholson / Brooke Cleal

During last night’s episode of The Bachelor Australia, Jimmy Nicholson just straight-up named Brooke Cleal as his frontrunner. No, really, he literally named her during a (private) conversation with his sister and cousin, which I don’t think was originally supposed to make the final cut… but did…

After his sister Tahnee and cousin Lisa have dinner with the women, Jimmy pulled them aside for a family debrief. They chit-chatted, blah, blah, blah and then right at the end, after they think the cameras have stopped rolling, Jimmy’s family asked him if he thinks he can actually connect with someone in a reality TV setting.

Jimmy said yes and that he’s super glad they think Brooke is a genuine person, because he likes her a lot.

“I really like Brooke,” Jimmy said, before he named her as the favourite.


I’ve covered I-don’t-know-how-many seasons of The Bachelor and I don’t think I’ve seen this happen before. And since this week’s episodes have been teased as the week of Walk Outs, I have this feeling Brooke will leave.

It just seems suss that the editors would give away Jimmy’s frontrunner so early on in the season. And I’m not the only who thinks so.


Apart from this very odd inclusion in last night’s episode, let’s examine what evidence we have, beginning with the preview for tonight’s episode of The Bachelor Australia. 

It begins with Jimmy saying goodbye to a “frontrunner” who had to leave the show due to personal reasons. Jimmy couldn’t even say goodbye to them in person because they had to leave ASAP, so Jimmy and the unnamed contestant parted over Zoom.

And then as the preview continued, we didn’t see much of Brooke. There’s a loooooooot of Stephanie Lynch, but not much of Brooke. I think we’ve consistently seen her in the previews for the other episodes, so I thought this was strange.

Finally, one of the most recent So Dramatic! episodes quoted a source who claimed five women were set to leave the mansion in upcoming episodes. The gals included Tatum Hargraves, who indeed chose to leave the show in last night’s ep.

The source also name-dropped Brooke.

Curious, very curious. I guess we’ll find out what happens when The Bachelor Australia continues tonight, 7.30 on Channel 10.