Peter Jackson Goes Behind The Scenes On ‘The Hobbit’

Lord Of The Rings filmmaker Peter Jackson released a new film blog yesterday from the set of his upcoming prequal, The Hobbit.

In the video, Jackson describes his desire to work in 3D and gives a detailed explanation of all the tools necessary to make it work, as well as the challenges facing film-makers working in this medium. For instance, did you know that they had to use mirrors to overlay two 3D cameras in order to properly replicate the human eye? Gnarly stuff, Frodo. For entertainment value, the footage is also priceless because you get to see Elijah Wood wearing those goofy glasses. Jackson has also been working on the first film adaptation of Tintin with none other than Steven Spielberg.

The Hobbit is due out in December 2012. In other news, it’s the tenth anniversary of Lord Of The Rings, so you can probably just watch that on repeat a few times and that should get you through the year.