‘Peep Show’ Is Getting A US Remake & There’s Nothing We Can Do About It

You have every right to be upset. We are too. The USA always does this – when will they learn that the rest of the world HATES them for doing this?

Those awful terrible people have decided to remake ‘Peep Show‘, because y’know, UK television isn’t good enough for Americans to actually watch, but they like the ideas so they steal them and ruin them and pulverise them into piles of dust that should never been spoken of or written down in history books. 
The 00s cult show about two 30ish-year-old complete and utter fuck ups is adored worldwide, and the characters of Mark Corrigan (David Mitchell) and Jeremy ‘Jez’ Usbourne (Robert Webb) surely cannot be imitated. 
Actually no, scrap that – SUPER HANS CANNOT BE, AND WILL NOT BE, REMADE. Who but Hans will be able to deliver an opening line like this, one of the greatest lines on any TV show?
The only piece of hope we have left is that the series creators, Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong, will be ‘consulting producers’ for the Starz series. But the man behind the wheel, the new showrunner, is Eli Jorne.
(We don’t mean to be ~negative nancies~, but is this not sounding an awful lot like the plot line from the beginning of ‘Episodes’?)
Look, we don’t know why Hollywood makes terrible decisions. And we’re sorry. The most wonderful series in the world, ‘Peep Show’, deserves more. 
Oh god, why are people like this!? *sobs*
Source: Vulture