New Gadget Makes It Easier To Pretend You’re In The Minority Report

The ability to virtually control your computer screen with hand movements (what people now call Tony Starking but what was once known as Minority Reporting) is something that now exists for real thanks to San Francisco technology company Leap Motion. This is insane for a number of reasons. 1) When Minority Report was released ten years ago the concept of swipey virtual hand browsing seemed about as plausible as hover boards. 2) The thing costs $70.

The novelty factor alone should capture the interest of regular computer users (including us!) but since it’s far more accurate than a mouse, as reliable as a keyboard, more sensitive than a touchscreen and can send and receive data in more than two dimensions, we’re thinking it’ll come in extra handy for people like artists, graphic designers and architects.

Having said that, browsing via hand motion clearly hinders the primary function of the internet.

Watch the motion platform at work below…

Via Buzz Feed