Netflix Just Locked ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Up For Three More Seasons

Much like Litchfield Penitentiary’s inmates, you can expect Orange Is The New Black to be sticking around for a few more years. 

Three more, exactly, according to Netflix, who announced they rubber stamped the SAG-stomping show through its seventh season in 2019.

Understandably, the show’s head honcho Jenji Kohan is pretty stoked about it, thanking “the stellar cast and crew and writers and producers and editors and musicians and mixers and shleppers” in a statement released this morning. 

“Three more years! Not quite a political term, but still plenty of time to do some interesting things. 

In some cultures, ‘May you lead an interesting life,’ is a curse, but I don’t live in those cultures.”

The extension means we’ll be seeing Piper, Crazy Eyes and a litany of new inmates milling around the yard for a little while yet. Catch the teaser for the upcoming Season 4 below: