Lindsay Lohan Ain’t Gay

Apparently Lindsay isn’t gay, or at least she doesn’t think she is.

“I think it’s pretty obvious who I’m seeing,” Lohan told Harper’s Bazaar. Yet, she refused to name her gal, Miss Ronson.

When asked if she considered herself a bisexual, Lohan answered, “Maybe. Yeah.” But was adamant that she wasn’t a lesbian, giving a definite, “No,” when probed.

It’s funny that she doesn’t know whether she’s gay or bi ’cause I’ve always wondered where do you draw the line? How many times do you have to kiss the same sex before people call you gay? Once, Twice, Threetimes… Am I gay for thinking Sam Ronson is kind of cute?

If you would like to have a crack @ lying low with Lilo you should probably click this link.

Image by: Robin Marchant via Getty