Liam Payne Tells Us He Doesn’t Wanna Rush The 1D Reunion & Brb, Crying

Liam Payne

He’s affectionately known as the daddy of One Direction so naturally when I gave Liam Payne a buzz to discuss his incoming, albeit brief jaunt Down Under, I just had to ask about the future of the greatest boy band in existence.

“I think I have been asked that question more than any other band member,” he says with a laugh. “I don’t know why people think I am like the spokesman at the moment. I am like Captain America answering all the questions.”

special shoutout to this strong liam lewk

“Me personally as me, I would love to get back together at some point,” he insists. “I think when it is all comfortable for everyone else. Rushing these things is how things get messed up.”

He goes on to say that the epic success of the band and the intensity of their whirlwind career has meant that the boys are in need of an even lengthier hiatus, much to the dismay of me, a die-hard Directioner, but the boys’ health and happiness come first.

“We made such great success and that comes at a cost and I think we need to take that into account,” he says. “I think we will all benefit by getting to know ourselves a bit better rather than ourselves within the band and I have always said this.”

Meanwhile, Payno has absolutely slayed as a solo artist, boasting several award wins and a fuck ton of noms. He’s so beloved, in fact, that TAB Everest were adamant that they wanted him to perform at their event this weekend.

“I can’t say that I have actually ever been to the races before but there’s a first time for everything,” he reveals. “I am very excited to get involved and I am thankful that they reached out.”

an angel™

Oh, and in case you were wondering (which I bloody well know you pervy fans were), here’s what Liam told me that he ~always~ keeps in his dressing room.

“Coconut water, mineral water, tea (camomile, ginger and green), manuka honey, energy balls, salted almonds, caramelised nuts, mint chewing gum, fresh fruit and crudite.”

Welp, that explains those abs.

Yr bae will perform at the TAB Everest on Saturday, 13 October at Royal Randwick racecourse.