Karl Stefanovic Tells Christopher Pyne To “Man Up”

It’s been quite the week for the only dad-joke dispensing goofball turned surprisingly incisive political provocateur we’ve seen shit the bed on live national television. If anything, that our collective national psyche would dictate that you could do that and still be the most beloved media personality in the country is testament to how fucking great Australia is. But I digress. 

After serving Tony Abbott a scalding hot cup of realness yesterday morning, Australia’s drunk uncle has continued to play whatever the opposite of softball is and grilled emoji-slinging Education Minister Christopher Pyne, telling him to “man up”. 
The Education Minister, appearing on the show less than 24 hours after his government’s unpopular university reforms were defeated in the Senate, was also slighted for his text game (a situation Karl compared to your favourite daytime soap opera), criticised for his inability to work with the Senate in any meaningful capacity and asked to enact a double disillusion. 
But the sickest burn of all was this one: “Here’s the issue. You can’t get your own policy through the Senate, and yes, it’s hostile, but you can’t even get your own policy through your own people, let alone the Senate.”  

This, after opening the interview with a Black Eyed Peas reference

Karl for Prime Minister.