Join Us For A Secret Cross-Country Nando’s Feasting Sesh

SECRETS! We all love secrets. Secret hideouts. Secret levels on video games. Secret jokes between m8s. Love ’em. Absolutely love ’em.
And what about secret societies? Gangs of people hidden away from the prying eyes of the public and blessed with unfathomable privilege, opportunity, and general cool shit. If you’re in one, it’s awesome. If you’re on the outside looking in, you say you want no part of it whilst secretly seething on the inside.
But what if we were to tell you you could be a part of a fun-loving program, full of rad parties, goods, and exclusive opportunities, and all you had to do to get in was chow down on some delicious chicken?
Here’s the hot scoop. As part of their on-going PERi-Perks promotion, Nando’s is continually throwing together a bunch of secret parties, film screenings, exclusive gigs, and once-in-a-lifetime trips that you all have the chance of scoring access to.
Like what exactly?
So far this year they’ve put together a VIP trip to le Tour de France, a ridiculous Game of Thrones-themed tour, a private advanced screening of the Entourage movie, some secret tiny parties exclusively DJ’d by the Miami Horror legends, and a swathe of dinner parties featuring cool shit like live art classes or goddamned GO KARTS.
And there’s more dinner parties to come yet!
The PERi-Perks promotion – running all year, so there’s always time – is launching another round of parties in the major cities across the country, each featuring their own special little twist.
In each of five cities – Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Perth – there’s 10 double passes up for grabs via their PERi-PERks app.
And getting on board is as simple as open smartphone, eat chicken, swipe app, profit. Really, it’s beyond foolproof; you’d be a legit dummy not to get involved.
~ONLY MEMBERS GET IT~ we repeat, ad nauseam.
Seriously. This isn’t that difficult to get your head around.
Grab the PERi-Perks app, swipe it whenever you’re next at Nando’s (which should be soon, let’s face it, because PERi-PERi deliciousness), and get on board for the greatest Nando’s Session you and the Banterweight Division have ever seen.