Jimmy Kimmel Fools The Internet With Twerk Fail Video

You know that awesome twerk fail video that did the rounds last week? The one where the girl tries to Cyrus, but ends up on Fire-us? The ’I tried making a sexy twerk video for my boyfriend and things got a little too hot :)’ one?

Yeah, it was fake. The internet lied to us.

US talkshow host Jimmy Kimmel has revealed the truth on his show – that he had produced the video, and the girl who took the tumble was actually a stuntwoman named Daphne Avalon. But not before the video twerked up a mammoth 9 million views on YouTube, and as Kimmel points out, had been covered by “hundreds of news outlets”, including CNN, Fox News, and The View.

“To the conspiracy theorists on the internet who though the video was fake – you’re right, it was fake, we made it up. I’m also the guy who bit Charlie’s finger, by the way” Kimmel said after showing the longer “director’s cut” of the video, where he steps into the room with a fire extinguisher to save the day.

Avalon revealed that since the video went viral, she had received “numerous Facebook (and) text (messages)” from family and friends concerned about her wellbeing – even a high school boyfriend checked in to see if she was ok.

Well played, Kimmel. Well played.