HEAVY BREATHING: The 1st ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Photos Are Here

Entertainment Weekly has released a bunch of exclusive, first-look images from ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ and we’ll be frank with you: we’re so excited we could poop.

The ‘Rogue One’ images are super super super dope:
In case you’re slightly confused and wondering where Rey, Finn and BB-8  are – ‘Rogue One’ is actually set before the original trilogy, but after the prequels. Here’s a handy guide:
And if you missed it yesterday, too: Entertainment Weekly put out the cover of their new issue, which includes all of these photos and has a 10/10 ‘Rogue One’ cover. The cover also revealed confirmation of a real big piece of info, too – there was heavy rumours due to the use of ‘The Imperial March’ in the first official teaser trailer:
*heavy breathing*
There’s even more A+++ images to see over on EW’s page: ew.com/gallery/rogue-one-first-look-photos
And look – anyone who tells you they’re not really excited for this one because “it’s not, like, a *real* Star Wars movie” and is wrong and bad and you should run away immediately – you don’t that kind of negativity in your life, friend. 
Photos: Jonathon Olley / Getty.