Harry Styles Posted 3 Blank Instas & His Fans Are Confused But Still Horny

Ancient civilisations – even those which maintained vast empires across near limitless tracts of land – would not being able to comprehend the meaning of true power: being able to cop over a million collective likes over three totally blank Instagram posts.

Well, that’s what Harry Styles of One Direction has achieved. After an extended period of radio silence (his last post was 15 weeks prior) the singer returned to Insty to drop a succession of three totally white, zero info posts which has driven his fanbase wild with hunger.
Does it mean One Direction is getting back together? Does it mean he’s finally launching a solo career? Is he in love with Louis, finally? Is it a fashion label? Is existence merely a vessel via which we hurtle from non-existence to non-existence again? All valid interpretations. The Instagram comments provide fertile ground for speculation – and immense thirst:
He signed a three-album solo deal this year, according to Billboard, and he’s in Christopher Nolan‘s 2017 WWII action film Dunkirk, so I guess it could be related to any of those things, too. Guess we’ll have to just wait.

Source: Instagram.
Photo: Getty Images.