Get Amongst The 2015 Blogster Award Nominees: Comedy Category

Another day, another dollar. Another year, another awards ceremony. Pedestrian’s teamed up with Intel to once again highlight the sublime talent of Australia’s blogosphere. The competition this year is on a whole new level – pitting the best-of-the best against each other. With the help of Intel, we’re curating content that’ll explore all things blogging. This will include things like tips on how to create your own platform, and how to deal with the h8rs. Get keen, y’all. It’s set to be, like, the best year yet (here’s hoping). 

Bondi Hipsters 

The ultimate parody men, Christiaan Van Vuuren and Nick Boshier broke the internet in late 2011 when they launched their YouTube channel Bondi Hipsters. Their alter-egos are ~farshun ppl~ Dom Nader and Adrian Archer, and due to the cultural sensation they have become, no one can live the Bondi lyf without feeling slightly embarrassed. 
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Friendlyjordies is the handle of Sydney-based YouTube comedian Jordan Shanks, a funny guy who destroys cornerstones of Australian culture with his cutting vids. From sacred festival Stereosonic to the coming-of-age ritual that is a holiday to Bali, from goon to our new PM Malcolm Turnbull, nothing is safe from his comedic attacks. #rekt
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YouTube comedy threesome SketchShe are best known for their “In The Car” series, which sees them car-dance (a very specific performance form, as we know) their way through the great hits of our generation. Shae-Lee, Lana and Madison also create a mixed bag of sketches and characters, taking their cues from everyone’s pop culture faves. 
Like SketchShe on Facebook, and follow on Twitter and Instagram

The Katering Show 
The Thermomix episode confirmed our suspicions: The Katering Show is the perfect antidote to every food-based reality TV show ever. Celebrity chef Kate McLennan, and her food-intolerant friend Kate McCartney cook up the lolz, as well as exploring modern culinary trends like quitting sugar, food porn, food trucks and drinking shit out of jars. 
Like The Katering Show on Facebook, and follow on Twitter and Instagram. 

Michael Cusack 
Michael Cusack is a mysterious animator / bum who makes cartoons including Damo & Darren, Weedheads and more. His pièce de résistance, though, remains the cult video YOLO, which made us laugh until we cried – and then just cry – when we first saw it back in 2012. 
Like Michael on Facebook, and follow on Twitter
Huw Parkinson 
Huw Parkinson seamlessly mixes politics with pop culture in his hilarious YouTube videos, with past goodies including a Tony Abbott Darjeeling Limited mashup, Ghostbusters with Jacqui Lambie, True Detective with Joe Hockey, as well as the recent Indiana Abbott and the Last Crusade. The man has an eye for the satire, with the editing skillz to match, and now produces vids for ABC’s Insiders.
Follow Huw on Twitter