Creators Inn – A Place For Creatives To Freeload

The perks of creativity used to be artistic self satisfaction and appearing more attractive to the opposite sex but unless you’re Damien Hirst or Kanye West it’s likely your artistic endeavours are supplemented with the Mi Goreng diet.

Thankfully the liberal Scandinavians at “Creators Inn” know that the starving artist syndrome is more than a cliche and are helping visiting creatives by offering free accommodation in Gothenburg.

They explain on their website: “Creators Inn by Elvine has been offering visiting creators short-term accommodation during their stay in Gothenburg. Totally free. No hidden fees…everyone is welcome to register and motivate why they should be granted a stay. Foreign visitors are prioritized. But you need what we call a ‘valid reason’ to stay at our Inn. A valid reason is some sort of creative activity, preferably together with local creators or something that incorporates the city in some way. For instance, meeting up an old friend to go clubbing is (unfortunately) not a valid reason to be granted a free stay.”

So if you’re heading to Gothenburg to freeload work on a collaborative project you know who to call to avoid sleeping in a cardboard box when you waste all your money on creative stimulants paint supplies.