Crack Out Your ABBA, ‘Cos A ‘Muriel’s Wedding’ Musical Is Coming To Sydney

You’re terrible, Muriel. Truly iconic Aussie film Muriel’s Wedding is coming back as a stage musical by the Sydney Theatre Company next year in partnership with Global Creatures, who put on Strictly Ballroom: The Musical.

It was announced last night as part of the company’s 2017 season launch, and is apparently being written by the film’s director PJ Hogan with music by Kate Miller-Heidke

“The film is a classic not just because it’s this piece of fluffy entertainment,” the STC’s interim artistic director Kip Williams told the Sydney Morning Herald. “It has a darker edge to it. Obviously, Muriel’s relationship to her father, her mother taking her own life, this sort of abject, ignored siblings she has.”
“There’s an exploration of Australian family life inside the film, which is very pertinent, and there’s a broader exploration of Australian social life.”

Muriel’s Wedding is one of those Australian films which are inexplicably popular overseas, too. Vulture reported on the news of the musical, but told its readers that “sadly you will have to take a 23-hour flight to see it”.
Not us, though. The musical will debut next year.
Source: The Daily Telegraph.
Photo: Muriel’s Wedding.