Chuck Sammies At Julia Gillard In the Inevitable ‘Sandwich Toss’ App

Aside from being subjected to the daily misogynistic blows that defined our first female Prime Minister’s career, Julia Gillard got herself well acquainted with a few casual sandwiches that were hurled her way every now and then.  

The term #sandwichgate was coined, and the incidents only further highlighted the propensity of #auspol to be exceedingly underwhelming, in fact: laughable. George Bush got a shoe. Silvio Burlesconi got a deceptively sharp, souvenir cathedral. Sarah Palin got rotten tomatoes. JG got a sanga.  

And you know what? There’s an app for that. Taking inspiration from this great Australian tradition of sammies vs. pollies, the Julia Gillard “Sandwich Toss” app has fallen through the cracks of iTunes approval board and is now yours to download, and seek sandwich-fuelled revenge, for free. Because of course it has. 

The app, with a gameplay that is exactly how it sounds, will have you flinging a variety of lunch items directly in to the face of our former PM. Talk about liberating! Not only will the humble, infamous salami sanga be available ammo; higher point-scoring options include the Tony Baloney, Rudd Roll, ALP BLT and the magnificently titled, Clive Parmigiana.  

And somewhere out there, Julia Gillard is sitting alone, stroking her Prime Ministerial pension and giving all of Australia the finger. You can’t blame her.

If you really must, you can download the app here.