Bryan Cranston’s New Show ‘Sneaky Pete’ Is Premiering Next Month

Bryan Cranston seems to be taking the evil character traits of his meth-makin’ alter ego Walter White, and going HAM with it. 
The surprise new show he’s co-created, ‘Sneaky Pete’, is about a con artist who steals his cellmate’s identity when released from prison, and starts working for his victim’s family. Which sounds super evil and brutal… and incredible
The show was originally destined for CBS, but the bloody idiots passed on it, so now Amazon will be serving it up on a platter to America next month. No word on how/when us lowly Aussies will be getting our hands on it yet, but we will update you as soon as we know. 
Sneaky Pete premieres in the U.S. on August 7th. 
via Entertainment Weekly
Image: Robyn Beck via Getty Images