The Latest ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Promo Has Fans Pleading For A ‘SVU’ Crossover

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6

It’s less than two freaking weeks until Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 hits our screens — the season that almost didn’t exist because US network Fox rudely cancelled the show and then NBC saved it — and say we’re “excited” doesn’t even begin to cut it.

The show returns on Jan. 10 in the US, which is Jan. 11 our time (and the premiere will be airing on SBS VICELAND that same day). In the lead-up to this blessed day, we’re copping a bunch of teasers that are only getting us more hype for our favourite show to return.

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The latest is an homage to another classic cop show, the very-much-more-serious Law & Order: SVU. Check it out below:

The lil’ promo is that good, it prompted this epic rely from the official SVU account:

Of course, the two accounts trading tweets sent fans of the shows into a full crossover-induced meltdown.

Of course, as Twitter is the HQ of know-it-alls, someone had to bring in the #facts:

But others pointed out that Andre Braugher already being in the Law & Order universe would only make it funnier.

And others suggested that it could just be a low-key cameo situation:

Um, YES.

Now that NBC is the home of both shows, this whole crossover thing could very easily become a reality, maybe even in Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6. Which head honcho do we have to threaten call to make this happen, goddammit?