Bachie Drama: Leah Defends Her Mate Jen, Says She’s Not The Villain We All Think

Leah Costa and Jen Hawke epitomise the effortless sass and the “I’m not here to make friends” ruthlessness of truly great reality TV villains, and the two of them might as well have been cooked up in a lab for the sole purpose of tormenting and intimidating their Bachelor rivals.

Banoffee pie deconstructor and competitive thong-thrower Jen walked the hell out of the mansion this week after a blow-up fight with the other girls, telling them all to “get fucked”, and her exit followed a similarly dramatic one from Leah the week before.

Although the pair’s scheming and side-eyeing was one of the more entertaining parts of this season, Leah took to Instagram to come to the defence of her mate Jen, insisting that she’s truly not a bad egg, and that we were all conned by the show.

Taking the old ‘blame the editors’ tack – a move straight out of the reality TV villain playbook – Leah said that we never got to know the real Jen. She wrote:

If only you all got to see the person I did, the funny, kind, warm, strong, loyal sometimes sassy big sister. None of you know the true people behind the cameras, what you are watching is CREATED by professional people employed to create drama! Do you personally know the girls you think are sweet and lovely or the ones that you think are nasty? Of course not, the haters need to stop taking everything they see as face value, TV is created for ENTERTAINMENT! So please before you go throwing shade over the internet remember we are real people with feelings and emotions, we are somebody’s daughter/sister/friend and your words do hurt! 

Based on Costa’s Instagram, the two have clearly been hanging out a lot in recent times:

Hawke has since responded, thanking Leah for her support and standing by her actions while saying that the editing definitely played a part in her portrayal as a villain. She said:

Leah is like a little sister to me, and I really appreciate all of her support. The Bachelor is filmed all week, and what the audiences see are two hours of that filming, so of course they don’t see everything. I stand by everything I have said and done, as I have been true to myself, but it’s also true that audiences have not seen all of my personality.

Shortly after her exit, Jen posted a kiss-off to Matty on Instagram, saying that he “needs the girl next door” while “some of us are busy being the whole damn city.”

The Bachelor continues this Wednesday and Thursday, and all I can really say is that Matty J had better not break perfect, sweet angel Tara‘s heart.