There It Is: The Adele Shitshow Made Its Way Into Global News Last Night & It’s Fkn Scathing

News that Sunrise reporter Matt Doran had cocked-up the one and only Adele interview Australia was offered made mass waves locally, but it hadn’t quite hit overseas yet… until last night, that is.

The cooked story has now made its way over to international waters and I’m not gonna sugarcoat it mates, it’s embarrassing as fuck for us.

First up, there’s a yarn from the BBC, a publication based in Adele’s native UK, which wrote that Matt had “bungled” the Adele interview.

Then there’s US publication Page Six which reported that Adele “walked out” of the interview upon Matt Doran admitting that he hadn’t listened to her new album 30.

“It left Australia ‘the only market in the world not to have a one-on-one with Adele’ to promote her album launch,” Page Six wrote, quoting a Seven insider.

The embarro blunder even made its way onto Pop Crave, a popular international Twitter page that shares trending celebrity news stories.

At the time of reporting, the tweet has been liked 1.4k times, which is a whole lot of eyes that have seen the yarn.

International spectators have been as critical of the incident as we have here in Australia and the tweets are aplenty.

I can’t decide if I wanna bury my head in the sand in embarrassment like an ostrich or laugh my bloody ass off.

Matt Doran has since apologised for reportedly offending Adele, telling The Australian he is “mortified and unequivocally apologetic” over the almighty blunder.

He has confirmed rumours that an advanced copy was emailed to him, but he says he “somehow missed” it, calling it “the most important email I have ever missed”.

“When I sat down to interview Adele, I was totally unaware that I’d been emailed a preview of her unreleased album,” Doran said.

“I have since discovered it was sent to me as an ‘e card’ link, which I somehow missed upon landing in London. It was an oversight but NOT a deliberate snub. This is the most important email I have ever missed.”

Too true, mate. Too true.