A Man Who Doesn’t Exist Somehow Got Almost Every Gay Bloke On Twitter Toey AF

Gather round, my friends, and hear a story of how an entire online demographic was hoodwinked by a man who doesn’t exist. Our story begins with…

Catfishing! The uniquely new-millennium charlatanry phenomenon, wherein a person pretends to be someone they’re not on the internet in order to swindle others out of love, attention and money. It’s usually a sad as hell crime committed by soulless demons preying on the vulnerable and innocent (please see Casey Donovan‘s heartbreaking case), but sometimes it’s just funny as hell.

Case in point: Parks Denton.

Whom or what, you might ask, is Parks Denton?

Apparently, he was a Twitter account that appeared to be run by a moderately handsome gay man in New York. Denton showed up on the Gay Twitter scene a few years back, interacting with a bunch of people with a spectrum of flirty behaviours, including DM-sliding.

Of course, the problem with all of this is that Denton was not real. His pics were stolen from at least two different blokes, and the guys who he set up dates with ended up drinking on their lonesome.

It was in fact one of these lonesome drinking guys who was the catalyst to all of Gay Twitter twigging to the con.

Someone put two and two together…


And then an entire chorus of hoodwinked blokes started to sing as one:



Obviously Denton (“Denton”) has now deleted his account, presumably because of stuff like this:

For someone with so many people on his hook, this particular catfish seemed pretty new to the game. I mean, don’t use the pictures of a gay man in New York if you’re trying to impersonate a gay man in New York, my dude/gal!

Obviously this particular community is really taking this in stride, despite how remarkable far-reaching Denton’s scam really was. Most blokes catfished by this particular bait were left simply wondering: how did they fall for Parks fucken Denton?



And the best one of all…


And that’s the end of that beautiful, rewarding Twitter story. May the Parks Dentons of all of our lives meet their comeuppance in just such a way.

P.S. According to NY Mag, Denton actually changed race early on in his incarnation, and his many patsys took it in stride. Riddle me that, please.