A Golden Globes Drinking Game by Hosts Amy Poehler and Tina Fey

Lord knows we like a good drinking game because sometimes the occasion darn well calls for it. Kudos to Golden Globes hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler for recognising that despite their anticipated – and, presumably, highly entertaining – crack at hosting, those of us among the great unwashed may need a further incentive to make it through the entire ceremony. Hence we give you Tina Fey and Amy Poehler’s Golden Globes Drinking Game.

Tina Fey suggests we drink when: 

An actress cries in a speech.
You see a person actively not listening to someone onstage.

Amy Poehler suggests we drink when: 

Any time someone says, ‘I didn’t prepare anything!’
Any time Maggie Smith wins.

(Smith is both nominated for her work in Quartet and Downton Abbey. Bottoms up.)

And a bonus challenge from Fey:

Any time anyone thanks Harvey Weinstein, eat a meatball sub.

We suggest keeping the bonus challenge because you’ll need to line your stomach with something. These ladies know their awards ceremonies.

via The Hollywood Reporter
Picture by Dimitrios Kambouris/Images