A Sequel To That Horny Movie ‘365 Days’ Is Already In The Works & Baby Girl, Why?

'365 Days'

Fun fact, folks: 365 (dni) Days is based on a book, which is part of an erotic trilogy by Polish author Blanka Lipińska. There’s three, three, books. Do you know what this means? There’s going to be another movie. Massimo will call Laura “baby girl” again. My head will explode. Guys, I thought her character died at the end of the movie.

The second book in the trilogy, published in 2018, is called Ten dzień (This Day) and book #3, published last year, is called Kolejne 365 dni. Guess what that translates to. GUESS.

It means Another 365 Days.


According to NewsweekAnna Marie Sieklucka (Laura) and Magdalena Lamparska (Olga, Laura’s best mate) did an Instagram Q&A about when the sequel will start shooting.

“We will not be able to go abroad to shoot this year because of the pandemic. You must be patient and wait,” Sieklucka said, per Newsweek’s translation. “It will probably be next year. We do not know exactly when we will be able to start.”

Lamparska added, “Everything has stopped. The situation is similar in every country. The film industry has just frozen. A trip to another country, especially to Italy, would be too risky for the Polish crew at the moment.”

Am I surprised Laura isn’t actually dead and that 365 Days is the first chapter in a horny trilogy? Not in the slightest. But if she gets kidnapped by a rival mafia group, I’m going to scream.

For those who have yet to watch this movie, 365 Days is about hot mafia boss, Massimo (Michele Morrone), who kidnaps Laura and tells her she has 365 days to fall in love with him. It is a dumb movie that makes no sense whatsoever. It’s going boonta on Netflix because it is extremely horny and the actors are hot. The film has been #1 on ‘Top 10 In Australia Today’ for at least a week.

I watched the movie over the weekend. My thoughts are below. Be warned, I lost my mind a little.